RV Nightmare at Walmart
Walmart is a popular overnight layover for road-weary, RV owners. Affectionately known as Wallydocking, it’s a great way to rest without having to pay an exorbitant price to stay overnight at an RV park or [read more]
Walmart is a popular overnight layover for road-weary, RV owners. Affectionately known as Wallydocking, it’s a great way to rest without having to pay an exorbitant price to stay overnight at an RV park or [read more]
Death Valley is the largest national park in the contiguous United States encompassing 3,422,024 acres, and is the hottest, driest and lowest of all national parks in the United States. Approximately 93 percent of the [read more]
There’s no doubt about it. The flatbed truck camper is here to stay. Not only is the flatbed truck camper larger and more spacious than the standard slide-in truck camper, but it also offers more [read more]
Yakima, Washington-based Scout Campers, maker of lightweight, off-grid truck campers, launched its third and final model this week called the Kenai. Designed for today’s full-size, short-bed and long-bed trucks, the Kenai remains true to the [read more]
After spending over a week thoroughly testing every system in our brand-new Bundutec Roadrunner truck camper, it was time to finally take the CAT Scale challenge. Getting your rig weighed tells you a lot. The [read more]
It was long overdue. After billions worth of undone maintenance across the national park system and federally managed public lands, on August 4, 2020, President Trump signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law. The [read more]
They go by several names—truck bodies, flatbeds, service bodies, utility beds—but for today’s truck camper rig, they all do the same thing, increase storage, and in many cases, provide additional capability. Michael Nyholm of California [read more]
First impressions are everlasting. They say you can never change them. When we arrived in Raymond, Iowa to pick up our new Bundutec Roadrunner truck camper last week we were thrilled. We were like two [read more]
Truck camper owners spend a lot of time behind the wheel. Indeed, 10 hours a day on the road is pretty common. This amount of driving can be problematic to our backs and legs, since [read more]
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