10 Best Air Conditioners for Small RVs Like Truck Campers and Vans

Tired of camping in the heat? If you are, you’re not alone. Record high temperatures have been set across the country this summer. If you’ve been unable to beat the heat using a combination of shade and 12 volt fans, then a good, low amperage air conditioner might be in order. Whether you intend on running your air conditioner with either a small generator or a powerful inverter-lithium battery setup, there are several low amp air conditioners than can keep your camper cool. Fortunately, Truck Camper Adventure has owned several air conditioners and evaluated many models over the years—some good, some bad. In this article, we rate the 10 best air conditioners for small RVs like truck campers and vans.

In this article, we’ll save you the time and trouble choosing the best, low amp model for your off-grid needs. Some of these run on 120 volt alternating current (AC), while others work on 12 volt direct current (DC). As for the British Thermal Unit (BTU) rating, we recommend a minimum of 5,000 BTUs for a pop-up camper or van, an 8,000 BTU unit for a standard hard-side truck camper, while a multiple slide-out camper should get a minimum of 11,000 BTUs. Remember, you saw this well-researched list here on Truck Camper Adventure first, well before Internet copycats publish their plagiarized “best of” lists. So without further adieu, here are the 10 best air conditioners for small RVs like truck campers and vans.

1. Dometic CoolAir RTX 2000 (DC)

The best of the best, the Dometic CoolAir RTX 2000 is a DC model with a long history of success as a “parking cooler” in the trucking industry. Rated at 6,824 BTU, the CoolAir RTX 2000 uses a variable speed inverter-to-cylinder compressor, which provides both high efficiency and quiet operation. Featuring four modes of operation—Boost, Auto, Eco, and Manual—this rooftop unit is controlled by using either the control panel or the remote control. We like the features found in this unit. In the Boost mode, the unit cools the camper for no more than 20 minutes at maximum power and then switches to the Auto mode automatically. The Dometic CoolAir RTX 2000 also features a battery monitor that switches the unit off automatically as soon as the battery voltage falls below a preset level to prevent over discharging. While it’s true that this 6,824-BTU unit has trouble keeping up with 120F temperatures, it does just fine in temperatures 100F and below. Easy to install using the standard 14×14-inch roof vent opening using the US modification kit which retails for about $85 (the European version requires a slightly larger 15.5 x 19-inch roof vent opening). Weighs only 72 pounds and consumes only 19.5 amps DC in the Eco mode and 29 amps DC maximum. Like other DC models surveyed here, we recommend having at least a 300 amp hour lithium battery system to run this amazing, little unit. Available in both 12 volt and 24 volt models. Currently used in the Nimbl Evolution. Lists for $2,729.

2. Truma Aventa Eco 13.5k (AC)

A close number two and a relatively-new entry in the North American market, the Truma Aventa Eco 13.5 promises to be a serious contender in the competitive RV air conditioner market. Unlike most rooftop air conditioners that offer only two speeds, this German import offers three efficient, low amp speeds: low 9.4 amps AC; medium 9.6 amps AC; and high 10.5 amps AC. And unlike most RV air conditioners, the Truma Aventa Eco is ultra-quiet (yes, you can actually hold a conversation on the phone with one of these air conditioners running). The Aventa Eco’s components are encased in a thick, noise absorbing EPP foamcore, while the compressor is mounted on shock absorbers to avoid vibration. The Aventa comes with an easy-to-operate remote with a thermostat control to digitally set the temperature in the camper. The A/C is loaded with features and includes a dehumidification mode, which removes humidity from the air, and an easy-to-operate air distributor that allows the air flow to be aimed downward and to the sides. Due to the large surge generated at start-up, you will need a Honda EU2200i along with the Microair 364 soft starter to handle the surge. Still, we stated in our review, the new Truma Aventa Eco 13.5 promises to be a hit in the RV market due to its low noise, low amp draw, and low profile. Weighs 95 pounds and lists for $2,049.

3. Nomadic Cooling X2 (DC)

The ideal roof-top air conditioner for those who are looking for a quality 12 volt model that fits in a standard 14×14-inch vent opening. With a maximum rating of 8,188 BTUs, the Nomadic Cooling X2 was designed for smaller RVs like truck campers and vans. Better yet, the amp draw is low and ranges between 22 and 45 amps depending on the setting. Not only that, but the unit is relatively quiet with a noise rating of 60 dBa. For maximum efficiency, the unit is best used in the “Eco Mode” and should be the default operation. The “Powerful Mode” should only be used for short periods of time for maximum cooling. The unit weighs 44 pounds and measures 22.59 x 22.18 x 6.93 inches outside and presents a low profile on the roof, perfect for your off-road, off-grid adventures. Like most DC air conditioners, the unit is non-polluting and highly efficient. The intelligent microprocessor control system, allows users to set the temperature by using the included remote. The unit has four ducts that can be directed with the air flow is desired. Like all Nomadic Cooling units, the Nomadic Cooling X2 includes multiple built-in protection functions such as pressure alarm, power high/low voltage, motor over-current, and motor temperature protection. The preferred DC model used by Overland Explorer Vehicles (OEV). A strong number three. sells for $3,298.

4. AutoClima Fresco 9000 Maxx (DC)

A strong number four for a non-traditional approach to RV air conditioning, the 12 volt AutoClima Fresco 9000 Maxx is a popular mini-split option in trucker fleets across the United States. Unlike traditional rooftop air conditioners, which consist of a single unit, the Fresco 9000 Maxx comes in three pieces: a compressor (26 pounds), a condenser (15 pounds), and an evaporator (11 pounds) for a total weight of only 52 pounds. Better yet, the Fresco 9000 Maxx consumes between 25 and 55 amps DC, a surprisingly low amount even for a “parking cooler.” While the approach of the Fresco 9000 Maxx is unconventional, the advantage of going this piecemeal route is significant in that it frees up roof top real estate for more important things like solar panels plus it keeps the weight in the camper down low, which is great for off-roading. Going with a DC model has another big advantage in that it does not need a bulky, inefficient inverter to operate. In 18-wheelers, power is typically provided by four AGM batteries charged via an alternator, but a lithium battery setup with a minimum of 300 to 400 amp hours is recommended for truck campers and vans. Word on this amazing little unit is apparently getting out. The new Loki Basecamp is using the Autoclima Fresco 9000 Maxx in its truck campers with more RV manufacturers sure to follow suit due to the incredibly low amp draw. Made in Italy, the list price is $1,300.

5. Cruise N Comfort VES 6000 (DC)

Another mini-split option from Cruise N Comfort. Like many mini-split models, the VES 6000 got its start in the trucking industry. The VES 6000 uses DC compressors that are powered directly from your camper’s battery. The three-piece system produces approximately 6,000 BTU’s and is a great solution for those who are in need of low amperage air conditioner for off-grid use. The condenser measures 14 x 20 x 4.5-inches, and is mounted outside the vehicle, while the compressor box measures 10 x 10 x 10-inches and can be mounted anywhere inside the camper. The Evaporator assembly, which measures 15.75 x 13.5 x 6.2-inches, also mounts inside the area to be cooled and is small enough to be hidden under a dinette or other storage area. The unit only consumes between 35 and 38 amps and is an excellent option for those who have the space and are looking for solution that doesn’t mount on the roof. Still not sure? Cruise N Comfort has been manufacturing true battery powered A/C units in Arizona since 2006. The heart of their systems is the rotary DC powered compressor that makes their systems powerful and efficient. Best used with lithium batteries, though this isn’t a requirement since it can also operate from vehicle starter batteries. Without a doubt, one of 10 best air conditioners for small RVs like truck campers and vans. Sells for $3,195.

6. Nomadic Cooling 3000 (DC)

The Nomadic Cooling 3000 is a purpose-built, battery operated air conditioner made specifically for RVs and vans. Nomadic Cooling claims that this rooftop air conditioner has been extensively tested in temperatures over 100F and we believe them (the company is based in Glendale, Arizona). Power consumption is excellent with 35 amps at 85F in the Eco mode and 65 amps at 85 degrees in the “Powerful Mode.” Consumption for the Nomadic Cooling 3000, however, skyrockets to 120 amps in temperatures above 100F. The 11,830 BTU unit weighs only 61 pounds with a relatively low noise volume of 60 db. The Nomadic Cooling 3000 includes multiple built-in protection functions including a pressure alarm, power high/low voltage, motor over-current, and motor temperature protection. The company recommends using lithium batteries, and we absolutely agree. The Nomadic Cooling 3000 mounts over a standard 14×14-inch roof opening, and like all DC air conditioners, does not need a bulky, inefficient inverter to operate. Lists for an eye-popping $4,290. A great little air conditioner, if you can get past the mind-numbing, exorbitant price.

7. Amana 8000 Wall Mount (AC)

Interested in a wall-mounted/window air conditioner? Then the Amana 8000 might be the unit for you. The Amana 8000 measures 18.6 x 17 x 13.3 inches and weighs only 51 pounds. The unit is remote controlled and consumes only 5.8 amps AC (64 amps DC). The unit operates at 56 db in the low mode, which is relatively quiet, and features three cooling and fan speeds. Like the other AC-powered air conditioners in this article, you will need to power this unit with a lithium battery bank of at least 300 amp hours along with a 2,000 watt inverter at a minimum though a 3,000 watt inverter would be better. Several pop-up truck camper companies offer a 5,000 BTU wall mounted air conditioner, though some, like our friends at KingStar, offer this excellent 8,000 BTU model by Amana instead. Aside from the low weight, the big benefit of going with the Amana 8000 is the price, it sells for only $270, a bargain compared to typical RV rooftop models. The other benefit, of course, is that it frees up space on your roof top for more important things like solar panels and keeps the weight off of your roof, an important consideration, especially, for those who own Four Wheel Pop-Up Campers. Without question, one of the 10 best air conditioners for small RVs like truck campers and vans.

8. Fresair S6 Evaporative Cooler (DC)

When it comes to low amperage use, the Fresair S6 Evaporative Cooler might be the best option for truck campers and vans.  The Fresair runs on less than 10 amps DC at full power, the best rating of all the units surveyed in this article. Like all evaporative units, the Fresair S6 uses a combination of fresh water and electricity to produce cool air. Unfortunately, you can’t use this this patented, evaporative cooler in humid climates—like all swamp coolers in general—but it does excel in dry climates like those found in the desert southwest where the typical delta for the unit averages between 20 and 25 degrees. The Fresair S6 weighs only 25 pounds and also offers the lowest profile of all rooftop air conditioners at only 3.7 inches tall. Mounts in a standard 14×14-inch vent opening. Comes with an 18L (4.7 gallon) water reservoir. Unfortunately, the low amp draw comes at a price. Installation of the Fresair is a bit more complicated, requiring additional mounting holes in the roof in addition to water lines which must be run to the 4.7-gallon reservoir. Not only that, but the Fresair S6 requires maintenance with replacement of the injection and return water pumps and the pine filter once a year. Still, if we were building a brand new camper for off-grid use this is probably the unit we would go with due to the incredibly low amp draw. No BTU rating is listed in official literature though when compared to other models and performance we estimate it to be around 8,000 BTU. Lists for an acceptable $1,495.

9. Rec Pro 9.5k (AC)

This particular rooftop unit is included in this survey due to it’s low noise and small size. The RecPro 9.5k weighs only 68 pounds, measures roughly 23 x 40 inches, and is only 8-3/8-inches high. The two-speed unit consumes 12.6 amps AC low and 14.6 amps AC high, while generating very little noise in the process (only 54.7 db). The RecPro 9.5k offers several functions, including cooling, dehumidifying, fan, auto, clock and timer, sleep, and lock. These functions can be accessed from the remote control mainly, however, the inner plenum unit has a touch screen display for using the unit as well (something we wish the Truma Aventa had). The LED displays are easy to read and understand. The filters are accessed through this plenum unit, making maintenance simple and easy. All in all, this AC unit can cool campers of up to 400 square feet. Mounts over a standard 14×14-inch RV vent and is available in both black and white. A fine little unit due to many of its features though we wish the amp draw was a little lower than the other AC models surveyed here. One of the 10 best air conditioners for small RVs like truck campers and vans. The RecPro 9.5k lists for $1,199.95 plus $75 for shipping.

10. Coleman Mach 8 9200 Plus Cub (AC)

The last air conditioner surveyed in this article, the Coleman Mach 8 9200 Plus Cub is a popular option for those in need of a basic, rooftop air conditioner. The Cub is only 8.25 inches tall and offers one of the lowest profiles in the industry. The 9,200 BTU air conditioner weighs 87 pounds and delivers excellent cooling at 9.6 amps on low speed using a 2,000 watt generator or inverter (11.7 amps on high). With two motors, the Mach 8 Cub delivers the same BTUs of cooling on both high and low speed operation. In spite of the company’s claims, however, the Coleman Mach 8 is anything but quiet. It’s impossible to hold a conversation on the phone with the air conditioner running, the true mark of a “quiet” A/C. The unit’s bidirectional air distributor is also a bit stiff and difficult to operate with no real ability to point the distributor downward like the Truma Aventa and RecPro 9.5k. Still, at 9.6 amps, the Coleman Mach 8 9200 is one of the better and cheaper options for those who are on the lookout for a basic air conditioner using a 2,000 watt generator or inverter. One of the 10 best air conditioners for small RVs like truck campers and vans. Sells for about $1,000, a bargain compared to other higher-priced options. Beware, however, you might have trouble finding one of these this year due to COVID-related supply shortages.

Make/ModelBTUWeightAmp DrawPricePower
Aventa13,500959.4 - 10.5$2,049AC
Cruise N Comfort6,0006035 - 383,149DC
Dometic 20006,8247219.5 - 29$2,729DC
Fresair S6 Evap8,0002510$1,495DC
Fresco9,0005225 - 55$1,300DC
Mach 89,200879.6 - 11.7$1,000AC
Nomadic X28,1884422 - 45$3,298DC
Nomadic 300011,8306135 - 120$4,290DC
Recpro 9.5k9,5006812.6 - 14.6$999AC


About Mello Mike 941 Articles
Mello Mike is an Arizona native, author, and the founder of Truck Camper Adventure. He's been RV'ing since 2002, is a certified RVIA Level 1 RV Technician, and has restored several Airstream travel trailers. A communications expert and licensed ham radio operator (KK7TCA), he retired from the U.S. Navy in 2004 as a CWO3 after 24 years, holds a BS degree, and now runs Truck Camper Adventure full-time. He also does some RV consulting, repairs, and inspections on the side. He currently rolls in a 4WD Ram 3500 outfitted with a SherpTek truck bed with a Bundutec Roadrunner mounted on top.


  1. This is a great article. It would be great to see it updated as new options are brought on the market. Also long term testing results would be useful. I see Cruise-n-Comfort did not make the list, bummer.

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