Truck Camper Generator Compartment Mod

The Cirrus 820 comes equipped with a black diamond plated rear bumper, which has a large space underneath the ladder that is unused. We decided to use that space to house our new Honda EU2200i and looked at a couple options to mount it. One, use the “LowPro LockDown” generator lock, which would leave the unit exposed, or two, find a utility box that would fit. We chose to go with the utility box because it was cheaper, had room to house a gas tank, and would keep everything safe from the elements. Fortunately, we were able to find a diamond plated aluminum tool box on, close in size and paint color that it almost looks like it should be an option for NuCamp.

Overall, the mod was pretty easy. I purchased all stainless steel 3/8-inch hardware and secured the box at four corners with through bolts and locking washers. I painted the new holes to prevent rust build up and then sealed with fluid film, sealed the cavity between the box and the bumper with high density foam and added two hooks on the inside for tie downs. With the generator inside, a FuelpaX 2.5 gallon gas tank fits perfectly and a bungee cord keeps everything tight. We plan to keep a 100-foot extension cord inside the compartment as well.

– Matt Baginski (@packedbaggz)

About Matt Baginski 1 Article
Matthew Baginski and his wife, Katelyn, who hail from Massachusetts, recently packed their bags and took to the open road in their NuCamp Cirrus 820 truck camper with their pup, Sampson.


  1. Great job. I like your idea so much I might do the same. One change though. I will use eye bolts only to hold the box on. I don’t think there is a redundant need for both sets of bolts. I will put a flat washer at the base of the eye. Plus I’ll have tie-downs in all 4 corners.
    Thanks for the post.

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