Boot Camp

An RV Propane Tank Warning

Most slide-in truck campers are equipped with a propane system. This system, which provides fuel for absorption refrigerators, stoves, water heaters, and furnaces. consists one or two propane cylinders or tanks, a two-stage propane regulator, [read more]

Boot Camp

Truck Camper FAQ

Which should I buy first, the pickup truck or the truck camper? If you’re starting from scratch and have neither a truck nor a camper, it’s best to buy your camper first. This will save [read more]


Best Boondocking RV?

Which type of recreational vehicle (RV) is the best for boondocking? Which RV is the best for getting you to those remote, far-away places? This short article takes a look. Note: for the purposes of [read more]


RV Solar Power 101

To the RV owner who cherishes independence from RV Parks and campgrounds and who hates the noise and smell of running a generator, solar power is, without a doubt, one the greatest technological advancements to [read more]


Boondocking 101

Today’s RV is a wonderful thing, the truck camper even better. It combines the mobility of an automobile with the comforts of home in one small, convenient package. Where you take your home on wheels [read more]